
Unlock Your Future with an International Internship in the USA!

Do you dream of launching your career on a global stage? The USA Intern Club is here to make it happen!

We are a full-service agency dedicated to connecting students and young professionals with relevant, high-quality internships in the USA. From securing the perfect placement to navigating the J-1 visa process, we’ve got you covered. Our mission? To provide participants with an enriching professional and cultural experience that benefits both individuals and their host organizations.

Why Choose the USA Intern Club Visa Programs?

With our Internship Program (12 months) and Professional Career Training Program (12–18 months), you’ll gain invaluable experience, broaden your horizons, and make international connections. Whether you’re exploring global best practices, honing your skills with hands-on coaching from American mentors, or earning a stellar recommendation from a U.S. company, this program is designed to give you a competitive edge.

Program Eligibility

Internship Program:

Currently enrolled in a college/university or a recent graduate (within 12 months of start date).
Verifiable English language proficiency (e.g., language exam).
Valid passport.

Training Program:

Degree or certificate from a higher education institution plus one year of relevant work experience outside the U.S., OR at least five years of relevant work experience, if no diploma
Verifiable English language proficiency (e.g., language exam).
Valid passport.

Program Duration:

Internship Program: 12 months.
Training Program: Up to 18 months (Hospitality and Agriculture limited to 12 months).


Fields of Opportunity

Explore placements in exciting industries like:

  • Marketing & Communications
  • IT & Web Design
  • Tourism & Hospitality
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Agriculture
    …and many more!


All positions are paid, though compensation varies by company. Typical compensation is between 2000-2800 USD per month

Program & Visa Fees

Program Fees apply. For detailed pricing, please contact us directly.

How to Apply

Ready to start your international adventure?

Apply online: Application Link
Or send your CV to office@usaintern.club

Don’t just dream about the future—create it! With the USA Intern Club, the possibilities are endless.

About USA Intern Club

Az USA Intern Club elkötelezetten segíti a diákokat és fiatal szakembereket abban, hogy értékes szakmai tapasztalatokra tegyenek szert az Egyesült Államokban.

Több, mint 10 év szakértelemmel és Amerika egyik legnagyobb vízumszponzorával együtt segítünk a kalandvágyó egyéneknek szakmai gyakornoki pozíciót találni.

Idén részt vettünk a 35. HVG Állásbörzén, ahol számos ELTE-s hallgató érdeklődött a programjaink iránt. 🫶🙌

Bérezés: nettó 2.200 - 2.800 USD